The 2025 Skills (R)Evolution in the Automotive-Mobility Ecosystem Conference will centre on shaping the European Skills Agenda, exploring key themes such as the transformation of the automotive sector, sustainability, and digitalisation.
Join us in this online workshop on digital and green skills towards the future of the mobility ecosystem - the social dimension.
The conference centred on enhancing and updating skills intelligence - encompassing trends, skills, and job role requirements- within the Automotive-Mobility Ecosystem. It aimed to discuss new and revised training courses with a particular focus on Digitalisation, Sustainability, the Circular Economy, Value Chain Resilience, and Emerging Business Models. It also addressed the social implications of the twin transition on the workforce.
L’evento sarà l’occasione per presentare le principali tendenze del settore automobilistico e della mobilità, oltre a case studies sull’e-mobility. E’ inoltre prevista una sessione interattiva, al fine di condividere le priorità di sviluppo delle competenze del settore, per preparare i profili esistenti e le nuove professionalità alle occupazioni emergenti.
Location: ANIE in Viale Lancetti 43, Milano